Sunday, March 25, 2012


While I am waiting for a million pictures from today to upload I thought I would share some of the funnier pictures I have taken lately. Some were on Facebook, some I saved specifically for this Blog.

Since we moved into our new apartment we have been shopping around for furniture. While our apartment is being furnished almost exclusively by Savers Thrift Store and the clearance racks at Target, we did go browse some big box furniture stores.

Welcome to Walkers Home Furnishings. Where everything is super gaudy and over the top.

Can you imagine the intensity of seeing your reflections so many ways with this vanity?

Chris wants to be CEO some day, so we took this inspirational picture.  Doesn't he look executive?  ( This is me, typing sarcasm.)

And because you can never get enough creepy in your life, I present you with the creepiest thing I have ever found in a thrift store. For $14.99 it could be yours! ( Because you know I didn't buy it) This "artwork" raises so many questions. Like did he have live models or did he (or she) draw this gem from memory? Oh and did I mention this beauty is dated 1982? Someone has been carting this around for 30 years. They must have had very fond memories of tying models to a post or being tied to a post.

Honestly, with the jacket and her helpless face I thought it was a picture of Edward and Bella at first.

And the final funny photo...

As you know, I have curly hair. It doesn't curl as much as normal here because it is dry in the desert and the water has so much garbage in it. Well when we moved into the apartment we didn't have a shower curtain for the first few days. We had bought the rod but Chris hadn't installed it yet. So we went to the gym to shower as we now live 4 blocks from our gym.

One day I got out of the shower only to discover that I had forgot a comb, or brush, or anything to tame the Kracken that lives on my head. I tried to wrap it in the towel but that just made it worse. The towel was so big it kept falling off my head  and tugging on the hair. So I just walked out with my raging fro and in the 10 minutes it took me to get home my hair dried completely.

This is why it takes me so long to do my hair in the morning.

I had to take a picture, it was too damn funny. And until now only two people have seen this.

You're welcome.


  1. I couldn't get a comb through it. I had to soak it in the sink and gel it. Chris had the curtain up that night so I could start again.

  2. Nice hair day! Chris told me you were some what of an "artist" around the house and now I see! Great job!
