Sunday, April 6, 2014

Three And A Half Inches

I love Kaia FIT!

It's been two weeks and I have attended 7 of the 8 classes. Unfortunately I was only able to go to 1 Yoga class in the last two weeks. Once, it was cancelled and this week I had family in town. I made it to Kaia but the other days were impossible. I think it's acceptable to skip so I can pick my Mom up at the airport and to go to the ocean instead. We did a long walk at Stinson Beach if that counts :) The day class was cancelled Chris and I drove to the Point Reyes Seashore and walked all over too. I think those count as work outs.

Kaia is hard. That being said I highly recommend it. If you have zero discipline, like me, this is a perfect program. Yes, I totally scoffed when I got the initial email that told me what I should and shouldn't eat ( Nine cups of greens a day? Bitch, please) and I would probably have better results if I followed them but I am getting results and I am happy with them.

Kaia FIT (functional intense training) is a women's only program that is not your traditional gym. The classes are either 5 or 6 weeks, 4 or 5 days a week. You can go constantly, which a lot of women do, or you can go one class at a time. I am enrolled in the Core class, 4 days a week for 5 weeks. Every class is something different, we never do the same thing twice. This is great because it keeps us from getting bored and it works all of your muscles. There isn't anything heavier then a 10 lb. kettle bell in the gym. We do an intense workout of squats, push ups, jacks, more squats, sit ups, squats, burpees followed by squats, take a lap, do some squats, run some lines, do more squats oh and did I mention the SQUATS! Sometimes I come home and have to pee and think to myself, " Not another effin squat! But I really have to pee!" But what's a girl to do? (Squats apparently...)

To quote the great Tai from the greatest movie of my generation, Clueless:

I think about the above every time I finish a set of squats. And while my buns don't feel nothing like steel, I do want to keep doing them. I checked and Kaia is offered in Kitsap County if you want to check it out. I was initially hesitant about a women's only program but this program is super motivating. The coaches are motivating and so far the other women are all really supportive of each other. We sweat, we groan, we fart while doing downward facing dog pose, and no one cares. My class has elderly women, obese women, stick thin women, and really buff women and we are all sweaty and laying on the floor together after 60 minutes. Chris is trying to convince me that what we are doing is basically a super feminized, non intimidating version of CrossFit. I'm not so sure. But I will say that who ever invented the Burpee is an asshole.

I have also made a few purchases. The first being a pair of 2 lb. weights. Laugh all you want but if you hold them while doing the dance routines from Just Dance, your arms will want to fall off. Trust me.

I also bought a FitBit. I am loving it because it is keeping me motivated to keep moving. It's like a game I can play with myself. I park a little further away from the store so I can get in more steps and try to get all my lights to light up. I have set my goal at 3 miles, 10,000 steps a day, and 30 active minutes. I like that it monitors my sleep too. I have tracked that I actually sleep better when it rains outside or I listen to my rain app to fall asleep. I thought this was true but this proves it. You can take this girl out of the Northwest but you can't take the Northwest out of this girl :)

The biggest purchase so far was this morning. After hearing such good reviews we finally went to Fleet Feet Sports in downtown Sac and I was fitted for shoes and inserts.  I can't say enough good things about the staff there. Molly was incredibly helpful and explained a lot of things to me. I told her I have plantar fascitis in my right foot and I needed inserts. It's painful to walk on everyday. In the last three weeks since I haven't been working 90% of my hip pain has gone away. Leading me to believe those damn Shoes for Crews have been trying to kill me all along! But my foot is a whole other story. After a bunch of measurements I was fitted into a beautiful new pair of running shoes, inserts that will keep my feet in line, and inserts for my daily shoes.  Sunday is supposed to be my day off from exercising but I couldn't wait to break them in so Chris and I went on a 2 mile walk this afternoon.  Now I have proper footwear for Kaia ( trainers), wogging ( running shoes), and inserts for my daily shoes.  I also have a question for my runner friends, How important are those synthetic running socks? And why do they cost $10 a pair. I'm not even a full on jogger yet so it seems silly to buy them but are they really necessary or is this just part of the fitness money making machine?

My new shoes: Asics Cumulus 16

Also, wogging is a real thing.

Tomorrow I start phase two of my plan: Two a day workouts! In additon to Kaia and Yoga class I am going to go to another class offered at CalFit to see what other classes I like. I plan on attending  a Kickboxing, Water Aerobic, Zumba, Balletone, and a Pilates class this week. I will also be adding more miles to my life this week because I have three weeks until the MS Walk.

So... I bet your still wondering what three and a half inches is?

3.5 inches how much smaller I am than I was two weeks ago! It's just a little bit here and there but two of those inches is off my waist :) I haven't weighed myself either. I feel fatter but I also feel stronger. On the first day of Kaia I was doing lame push ups and on Friday my push ups were way better. I also can sustain a downward facing dog pose which on Day One, I was wobbling all over the place. On Friday I was in plank position hopping both legs forward  and backward instead of stepping them forward individually like I did on Day One.  I am noticing all these little differences and feel accomplished. I wonder what I will be able to do when the 5 weeks are over?

I will be doing the MS Walk that's for sure!

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