I'm interrupting this humerous blog because I AM SO OUTRAGED!
Here is my disclaimer though: To my knowledge I have never been cheated on. But I have never cheated on anyone ever. Chris and I have had many discussions about infidelity and what it would mean to us (death) and I feel like this should be said:
Ugh. Sorry for the screaming. But my mood is elevated. Here is why:
Last week I read all the articles about the Iowa Supreme Court saying it is legal to fire a person who you or your spouse deem a threat to your marriage. I read this article while in bed with Chris and I read the HuffPo article to him and we both agreed it was total bullshit. Dr. Knight and his wife have used Mrs. Nelson as a scapegoat for what is clearly Dr. Knight's problem. We were both pretty incredulous about this situation. I followed the news story for a few days and was happy to see that most people saw this as an outrage. My faith in humanity and womenkind were restored. Until now.
Keli Goff, a blogger who wrote this article for the HuffPo has my blood boiling. Not since Ginia Bellafonte have I been so furious. Click on the article if you want to read her article, Why Most Women Agree With the 'Irresistibly Attractive' Ruling (Even If They Won't Admit It) without my ad lib.
I'm going to deconstruct this article piece by piece. Bear with me here.
"Every now and then there is an embarrassingly backwards judicial ruling so steeped in prejudice that years later it still haunts our collective conscious as a stain on our nation's history. The 1857 Dred Scott ruling in which the Supreme Court found that all people who look like me -- black Americans -- were not actual American citizens at all and therefore could be enslaved comes to mind. Another is the 1892 Plessy versus Ferguson decision which upheld the "separate but equal" fallacy that allowed legalized segregation to remain the law of the land.
And apparently in the eyes of some outraged bloggers and commenters, a ruling that allowed a woman to be fired because her boss and his wife deemed her too attractive is another.
For those of you who have actually been enjoying the holidays with your families and therefore have no idea what I'm talking about, allow me to catch you up. Iowa's high court ruled that dentist James Knight did not violate the law in firing a woman he found attractive, and his wife, who also worked in his dental practice, deemed a threat. I can definitely see the parallels between this case and other landmark discrimination cases. (That was sarcasm in case you missed it.)
What I find baffling about this ruling is not that it is steeped in Dred Scott levels of discrimination. (It's not.) But that it is getting any news coverage at all. "
Really? You are surprised that it is getting any coverage at all? For real? This case sets a precedent that men are biologically unable to control themselves and that we as women are responsible for their actions or in this case, feelings. Let's just add that to our Womenly To Do List. Right after Make sure you look attractive at all times. We will just add in *but not too attractive. It's easier for the men. Oh and comparing this to landmark racial discrimination cases? Get over yourself. There is more then one type of discrimination as a black women, you should understand at least two.
Here's the dirty little secret most of us don't want to admit. Many of us wonder about the attractiveness of the people our significant others work closely with and many of us inquire about it too (either blatantly or covertly, and yes Facebook snooping counts), and with good reason. According to the experts, nearly half of all affairs begin at work.
But the other thing I find surprising is that anyone is attempting to make a legitimate argument that this case has anything at all to do with gender discrimination. Attractiveness discrimination perhaps, but in case you haven't heard being cute or hot is not a protected class. (Sorry all you supermodels.)
I will give you that Keli. I know that most people wonder about the attractiveness of their spouses coworkers. I don't. You know why? Because I know my husbands coworkers! I don't have to wonder. And guess what? They are attractive. He works with several attractive and smart women and one of them has a very similar personality to me AND is attractive (dear god!). But you know what they aren't?
Nope. Just regular ol' garden variety women who go to work to do a job. They are not evil demons out to give my husband impure thoughts and lead him into temptation. I do not want any of them fired. I don't mind when my husband goes on business trips with them. If my husband ever wanted to have an affair with them, it's a sign of weakness on his part. Not because of their magical vaginal prowess.
For all of those outraged that a man would have the audacity to fire a woman who his wife deemed a threat, let me ask you this. Would you feel the same way if it was a woman doing the firing? What if the employee in question had been a live-in nanny, and the wife fired her? Because newsflash, this happens all the time. In light of the number of celebrities, from Jude Law, to Ethan Hawke who have gotten cozy with the help, an article from the New York Daily News, highlighted some of the steps some women take to protect their marriages from the family's nanny. You may be utterly shocked to discover that some of those precautions include hiring and firing nannies based on -- wait for it -- their looks! Shocking, I know.
Whoa whoa whoa. HELL YES, I would be upset. I would be MORE upset if the wife was able to fire her. How can women say this stuff about each other? I just don't get it. Oh and you can't say in light of the numbers of celebrities... and then list two notorious womanizers.
But if the New York Daily News writes an article about something you know it must be true. They must be onto something. It's not the gays, the cheaters or the polyamorous that are ruining the institution of marriage. IT'S THE NANNIES! Curse you Nannies! You evil husband stealing succubi! You pretend like you are earning money to pay for college but we know what you are really after, our husbands. You drive our mini vans around, take our kids to tap/football/french class, you make their snacks and give them tylenol when they are sick and it's all part of your evil scheme to steal our men. Little nanny whores. All of them. You know which ones are the worst? The ones that come from third world countries. Those nannies have some serious commitment to stealing our men. They could come to our homes in sweat pants sans make up and cut the crust of our kids sandwhiches for us but no. They come into our homes in comfortably fitting clothes, do our grocery shopping for us and woo our husbands with their domesticity and extra attractiveness. They take advantage of our busy blow out and manicure schedules and weasel there way into our homes and our husbands pants. They must be fired.
(Hey Keli, that was sarcasm in case you missed it).
There's a reason that Lifetime Movie Network is filled with tale after tale of relationships thrown off-balance by a hot nanny or even hotter assistant or a hot male tennis instructor, because plenty of real-life relationships have been -- making it one of the ultimate fears of plenty of women, and men -- a fear that is not entirely unfounded. As I have written before, we as a society discriminate based on looks all the time. More attractive people routinely get paid more, so do taller men. But the downside is occasionally a threatened spouse may have Ms. Good-lookin' or Mr. Tall fired. Do I think this is unfair? Sure. Just proves life's not 100 percent fair for anyone even beauty queens. That's life.
I can't. I just can't. I have no response to any one who uses "facts" from the Lifetime Movie Network as a credible source in their argument.
But did you ever stop to think that the propagnda of the Lifetime Movie Network is what plants all these fears in our heads in the first place?
I think the real reason the Iowa case has captured national attention is because when most of us find out our boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife is working or maybe even traveling regularly, with someone who makes us feel insecure either because of his or her super-good looks or because of an emotional connection we sense our significant other is developing with that person, we are powerless to do anything about it. We may complain to our girlfriends or our moms, and cross our fingers and say a prayer that the person we are in a relationship with is as honest, and trustworthy as we have always hoped. And then maybe we hit the gym a little harder or try to spice things up at home a little more. But this wife did something most of us don't have the power to do. She had the woman fired. It may have made her ripe for national ridicule but guess what? Her marriage is still in tact. I wonder how many women -- from Sienna Miller to the countless others who have found themselves usurped by an attractive person, male or female -- who worked super close with a significant other would rather be ridiculed and still coupled, versus the alternative.
The fired dental assistant certainly has my sympathies. But if she's as attractive as the dentist, his wife and the seven justices seem to think she is, then she will be fine professionally. Now if she weren't "irresistibly attractive" she might have more to worry about. Further proof that life is not fair, but not everything that is unfair warrants a lawsuit.
I'll be the first to say it. Her marriage is NOT intact. You are wrong. Her marriage is just a piece of paper. The seed of infidelity is not in the third party. It's in her husband. I do not want the power to fire my husbands attractive coworkers. I want my husband to have power over his emotions about them. I'm not stupid. I know that he rocognizes he works with pretty women. He can find them pretty. It's allowed. What is not allowed is whether he chooses to do something about it. I often wonder what it is like to do crystal meth. But I have never done it. It's all about him and the choices he makes. He made the promise to be faithfull and love me and HE would be the person breaking that promise. Dr. Knight told his wife he had impure thoughts. They decided to deal with that the way wrong way. They placed the blame on a third party so he wouldn't have to take responsibility.
Okay I am supposed to be blogging about this article not the supreme court case. It's horrible. Horrible. I could not be friends with this woman. Honestly, she seems a little bitter about people who are deemed more attractive than her. I think what bothers me most is that she seems to support the idea that as women, we are in control of how men think of us. Or even how other women see us. She even seems to support the idea that all women (besides ourselves naturally) are evil succubi and we should protect our men from them. Sisterhood? Feminism? Equality? Fairness? Does she know any of these words? Should I stop wearing make up to work so my coworkers wives are more comfortable with my presence? No. I can only be myself in personality or appearance and I shouldn't have to dumb either one down to make other people happy. I'm not going to wear a Burkha so men will be free from my wanton vixenness!
Okay. Feeling calmer.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
The Intrepid McKenna's Guide to Coping and Handling Unforeseen Bullshit
Hey snow loving braggarts! I was going to blog today to bring to your attention to the fact that it is 50 and sunny here in Northern California today but something else has been brought to my attention.
Sadness. Snow.
Actually snow and sadness are very much the same thing in my book. It's part of the reason I am happy to be here in Cali where "Winter" means a smidge of frost on your car. But I know it is snowing back home so something sad had to be happening somewhere.
In 2010 we had the first snow 3 days before Thanksgiving. It also happened to be the day my husband was let go from his job of 9 years. ( Curse you Snow!)
In 2012 we had a huge Januaryshitstorm snowstorm and after being snowed in the house for several days I woke up with out being able to see properly and was subsequently diagnosed with MS. ( A plague on both your houses Snow!)
And now it's December 2012 and the snow is falling again. I am 1100 miles away so the Snow has decided to take another McKenna hostage this year.
I have no advice for the crisis Cousin McKenna is going through. I've never been in a situation like hers, but I do know what I do when ashitstorm snowstorm of shit snow happens to me. I introduce to you...
The Intrepid McKenna's Guide to Coping and Handling Unforeseen Bullshit ( 1st edition)
Step 1: Wallow
Wallowing is okay. Wallowing is healthy. Wallowing is mental healthy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. When Chris lost his job I gave him a 2 week wallowing period. He was allowed to be day drunk and play video games 24 hours a day. This is a mourning period. Unforeseen Bullshit takes a part of you and it's healthy to mourn that loss.
Step 2: Make a point
Do something impulsive. Unforeseen Bullshit makes a turning point for you so make a turning point for The Bullshit! This will help you take control of the situation. After my diagnosis I cut off all my hair. MS may have taken hold of my body but I had control of my hair! New Hair = New Me. So get a tattoo. Skydive. Go heads Carolina, tails California. Eat Fugu. Make your own turning point with something YOU decide to happen.
Step 3: Make a plan
I like to think about how my personal idols would handle my situation. WWDD? WWBD?
What would Dolly do?
Is there anything Dolly Parton can't do? No. Is there anything she won't do? No. Have people been judging and ridiculing her for years? Yes. Does it slow her down or make her change who she is in any way? Hell no. Dolly Parton is brains. She plays a dozen instruments. She has been married to one man for 48 years. She is the founder of the Imagination Library. She built a theme park in Pigeon Forge Tennessee specifically to create jobs in the dirt poor town she grew up in. If Dolly Parton had lost her job, I like to think she would pack up all of her rhinestones and carry them with her while looking for a new job. She wouldn't hide them and misrepresent herself. While sending out my own resumes this year I sent out pink resumes. I got a phone call or had an interview with nearly every place I applied to. I turned down two jobs the week I took the job I have. So what would Dolly do? She would keep her well coiffed head held high while letting you know what you are missing by not having her around. She knows her worth even if you don't.
Step 4: Ask for help
What would Buffy do?Well Duh! Buffy would kick ass! Always. Yes, Buffy had her emotionally weak moments. We all do. But when it came down to it she made the hard the decisions, executed them, and dealt with the personal repercussions later. The other aspect that makes Buffy Summers worthy of inspiration is that she was never afraid to ask for help. Buffy had a whole team of besties that helped her through every battle she ever had. Where would Buffy be without her Willow? Her Xander? Hell, where would Buffy have been without Spike? So when your personal Hellmouth opens and The First is coming for you, don't be afraid to assemble your Scoobies.
Step 5: Grab your golden lasso
That's right. You have work to do. You are responsible for your future and you are prepared for it. So pull on those red boots, grab your golden lasso and be the Warrior Princess that you are!
Also, remember to laugh. Laugh through all of it.
Laughter is the best slap in the face to Unforeseen Bullshit. Laughter is the " Hey bitch, you can't bring me down" that Unforeseen Bullshit hates. Laughter is winning.
Cousin McKenna, I haven't any babies. Or kittens. Or toddlers dressed as Darth Vader.
I have nothing to help you with your laughter except pictures of me me doing silly ish.
So I give you this...
Sadness. Snow.
Actually snow and sadness are very much the same thing in my book. It's part of the reason I am happy to be here in Cali where "Winter" means a smidge of frost on your car. But I know it is snowing back home so something sad had to be happening somewhere.
In 2010 we had the first snow 3 days before Thanksgiving. It also happened to be the day my husband was let go from his job of 9 years. ( Curse you Snow!)
In 2012 we had a huge January
And now it's December 2012 and the snow is falling again. I am 1100 miles away so the Snow has decided to take another McKenna hostage this year.
I have no advice for the crisis Cousin McKenna is going through. I've never been in a situation like hers, but I do know what I do when a
The Intrepid McKenna's Guide to Coping and Handling Unforeseen Bullshit ( 1st edition)
Step 1: Wallow
Wallowing is okay. Wallowing is healthy. Wallowing is mental healthy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. When Chris lost his job I gave him a 2 week wallowing period. He was allowed to be day drunk and play video games 24 hours a day. This is a mourning period. Unforeseen Bullshit takes a part of you and it's healthy to mourn that loss.
Step 2: Make a point
Do something impulsive. Unforeseen Bullshit makes a turning point for you so make a turning point for The Bullshit! This will help you take control of the situation. After my diagnosis I cut off all my hair. MS may have taken hold of my body but I had control of my hair! New Hair = New Me. So get a tattoo. Skydive. Go heads Carolina, tails California. Eat Fugu. Make your own turning point with something YOU decide to happen.
Step 3: Make a plan
I like to think about how my personal idols would handle my situation. WWDD? WWBD?
What would Dolly do?
Is there anything Dolly Parton can't do? No. Is there anything she won't do? No. Have people been judging and ridiculing her for years? Yes. Does it slow her down or make her change who she is in any way? Hell no. Dolly Parton is brains. She plays a dozen instruments. She has been married to one man for 48 years. She is the founder of the Imagination Library. She built a theme park in Pigeon Forge Tennessee specifically to create jobs in the dirt poor town she grew up in. If Dolly Parton had lost her job, I like to think she would pack up all of her rhinestones and carry them with her while looking for a new job. She wouldn't hide them and misrepresent herself. While sending out my own resumes this year I sent out pink resumes. I got a phone call or had an interview with nearly every place I applied to. I turned down two jobs the week I took the job I have. So what would Dolly do? She would keep her well coiffed head held high while letting you know what you are missing by not having her around. She knows her worth even if you don't.
Step 4: Ask for help
What would Buffy do?Well Duh! Buffy would kick ass! Always. Yes, Buffy had her emotionally weak moments. We all do. But when it came down to it she made the hard the decisions, executed them, and dealt with the personal repercussions later. The other aspect that makes Buffy Summers worthy of inspiration is that she was never afraid to ask for help. Buffy had a whole team of besties that helped her through every battle she ever had. Where would Buffy be without her Willow? Her Xander? Hell, where would Buffy have been without Spike? So when your personal Hellmouth opens and The First is coming for you, don't be afraid to assemble your Scoobies.
Step 5: Grab your golden lasso
That's right. You have work to do. You are responsible for your future and you are prepared for it. So pull on those red boots, grab your golden lasso and be the Warrior Princess that you are!
Also, remember to laugh. Laugh through all of it.
Laughter is the best slap in the face to Unforeseen Bullshit. Laughter is the " Hey bitch, you can't bring me down" that Unforeseen Bullshit hates. Laughter is winning.
Cousin McKenna, I haven't any babies. Or kittens. Or toddlers dressed as Darth Vader.
I have nothing to help you with your laughter except pictures of me me doing silly ish.
So I give you this...
If you would also like to wear the pelt of Sam the Eagle Muppet, it's available for sale at your local JC Penney.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
A Thanksgiving Story
Thanksgiving was not easy for me this year.
In a way, I've been spoiled my entire life by having traditional holiday meals with my grandparents. I have divorced parents and I am married so I'm used to having multiple holiday meals but dinner with my grandparents has always been a consistent thing. My grandparents are my favorite people in the world and in 30 years I have never missed a Thanksgiving.
Until this year.
I tried to just not think about Thanksgiving. Like it was going to be any other day. My mother in law was here for the week and I tried to focus on visiting her and not on the fact that she was here for Thanksgiving. I basically pretended I was hosting a dinner party for no reason and focused on buying new plates and matching napkins.
We also ordered our entire Thanksgiving meal from my store. All we had to do was reheat it. It was a terrific idea. The food was good, and we didn't stress about cooking so we could just enjoy each other and visit. And since knowing I would be away from my grandmother was hard enough, I wasn't ready to head into the kitchen and use her recipes. I'm not ready to eat her food without her here.
I had a small cry when I prepared myself to call my grandpa. I had a big cry when he actually answered the phone. We talked for a while and I felt better. I had to compose myself and touch up my make up because Chris and I hosted Thanksgiving this year and we had guests coming over.
This is Bodhi Kaimana Sage and he is Chris's cousin. And we may be the loves of each others lives. This is the only picture I have of the two of us. It was taken in February and we were both sick. Normally he has a fabulous mohawk. Bodhi is a 5 year old Buddhist, kindergartner and lover of Spiderman. When he saw me a few weeks ago for the first time in 7 months he quickly told me my hair is a different color and asked me why I wasn't wearing my glasses. Bodhi, his mother Jeni, his grandmother Trish, his father Mike, and my MIL were our Thanksgiving guests and thanks to Bodhi, my sadness passed. He did make me cry, but it was happy tears.
Here is my Thanksgiving story:
After we all dished up and were seated someone suggested we say grace. As we are not a religious family we all had a little giggle but Bodhi got a very serious look on his face. He put his hand over his heart but was cut off by Chris. Chris naturally had his seat at the head of the table and told us a wonderful story about one of his donor patients. It was a Thanksgiving story that the donors family had told Chris about their loved one. When Chris was done, an impatient looking Bodhi put his hand back over his heart and said " Hey, Hey...". I took notice and motioned for every one else to put their hands over their heart also.
And then Bodhi led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
I pledge allegiance
to the flag
of the United States of America.
And to the republic,
for which it stands,
one nation,
under god,
with liberty and justice for all.
His mother looks at him and says "And?"
Bodhi takes his hand off of his heart, places the two together and bows his head.
Yes, I teared up when Bodhi led us in the Pledge. I just wanted to keep crying when he capped it off with Namaste. It was a sweet and beautiful moment and it is quite possible my favorite Thanksgiving memory ever already. We let Bodhi start us all off by handing him the puking cow and letting him pour gravy. He doesn't like gravy, but he likes watching the cow puke gravy so he was eager to keep the rest of us in gravy the entire dinner. Then we discussed whether cows can actually puke or not. (The answer is no.)
And so a new tradition is born. Chris and I intend on keeping the practice of saying the Pledge of Allegiance before Thanksgiving dinner alive throughout the years. I think we both really needed something that day to cheer us up. I know that we are both still getting used to being so far from our close family. But we happy for the opportunity to be in Bodhi's life.
Speaking of that crazy kid, he called us on the phone the next day. He just wanted to let me know that he had so much food the day before and had so much fun that he feels "compressed" today. Yep, compressed.
Me: "You feel compressed? When I feel compressed I lie down and take a nap. Maybe you should take a nap."
Bodhi: "Well I was thinking of maybe meditating and just trying to chill out."
Me: "Good call Bodhi. Maybe meditation will help."
Bodhi: "Yeah. Is Chris there too?"
Me: "Yeah but he is doing the ultimate meditation. He's still asleep."
Bodhi: "Oh, okay. 'Bye" Click
So maybe I am not the love of his life. Maybe he is just using me get to Chris. Chris is the BFG after all.
Regardless, happy holidays and namaste.
In a way, I've been spoiled my entire life by having traditional holiday meals with my grandparents. I have divorced parents and I am married so I'm used to having multiple holiday meals but dinner with my grandparents has always been a consistent thing. My grandparents are my favorite people in the world and in 30 years I have never missed a Thanksgiving.
Until this year.
I tried to just not think about Thanksgiving. Like it was going to be any other day. My mother in law was here for the week and I tried to focus on visiting her and not on the fact that she was here for Thanksgiving. I basically pretended I was hosting a dinner party for no reason and focused on buying new plates and matching napkins.
We also ordered our entire Thanksgiving meal from my store. All we had to do was reheat it. It was a terrific idea. The food was good, and we didn't stress about cooking so we could just enjoy each other and visit. And since knowing I would be away from my grandmother was hard enough, I wasn't ready to head into the kitchen and use her recipes. I'm not ready to eat her food without her here.
I had a small cry when I prepared myself to call my grandpa. I had a big cry when he actually answered the phone. We talked for a while and I felt better. I had to compose myself and touch up my make up because Chris and I hosted Thanksgiving this year and we had guests coming over.
Remember my new friend Bodhi?
This is Bodhi Kaimana Sage and he is Chris's cousin. And we may be the loves of each others lives. This is the only picture I have of the two of us. It was taken in February and we were both sick. Normally he has a fabulous mohawk. Bodhi is a 5 year old Buddhist, kindergartner and lover of Spiderman. When he saw me a few weeks ago for the first time in 7 months he quickly told me my hair is a different color and asked me why I wasn't wearing my glasses. Bodhi, his mother Jeni, his grandmother Trish, his father Mike, and my MIL were our Thanksgiving guests and thanks to Bodhi, my sadness passed. He did make me cry, but it was happy tears.
Here is my Thanksgiving story:
After we all dished up and were seated someone suggested we say grace. As we are not a religious family we all had a little giggle but Bodhi got a very serious look on his face. He put his hand over his heart but was cut off by Chris. Chris naturally had his seat at the head of the table and told us a wonderful story about one of his donor patients. It was a Thanksgiving story that the donors family had told Chris about their loved one. When Chris was done, an impatient looking Bodhi put his hand back over his heart and said " Hey, Hey...". I took notice and motioned for every one else to put their hands over their heart also.
And then Bodhi led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.
I pledge allegiance
to the flag
of the United States of America.
And to the republic,
for which it stands,
one nation,
under god,
with liberty and justice for all.
His mother looks at him and says "And?"
Bodhi takes his hand off of his heart, places the two together and bows his head.
Yes, I teared up when Bodhi led us in the Pledge. I just wanted to keep crying when he capped it off with Namaste. It was a sweet and beautiful moment and it is quite possible my favorite Thanksgiving memory ever already. We let Bodhi start us all off by handing him the puking cow and letting him pour gravy. He doesn't like gravy, but he likes watching the cow puke gravy so he was eager to keep the rest of us in gravy the entire dinner. Then we discussed whether cows can actually puke or not. (The answer is no.)
And so a new tradition is born. Chris and I intend on keeping the practice of saying the Pledge of Allegiance before Thanksgiving dinner alive throughout the years. I think we both really needed something that day to cheer us up. I know that we are both still getting used to being so far from our close family. But we happy for the opportunity to be in Bodhi's life.
Speaking of that crazy kid, he called us on the phone the next day. He just wanted to let me know that he had so much food the day before and had so much fun that he feels "compressed" today. Yep, compressed.
Me: "You feel compressed? When I feel compressed I lie down and take a nap. Maybe you should take a nap."
Bodhi: "Well I was thinking of maybe meditating and just trying to chill out."
Me: "Good call Bodhi. Maybe meditation will help."
Bodhi: "Yeah. Is Chris there too?"
Me: "Yeah but he is doing the ultimate meditation. He's still asleep."
Bodhi: "Oh, okay. 'Bye" Click
So maybe I am not the love of his life. Maybe he is just using me get to Chris. Chris is the BFG after all.
Regardless, happy holidays and namaste.
Duck & Donkey
Okay, Okay...
I know I promised to blog again sooner, but 3 weeks is technically sooner then 6 weeks right?
So let me tell you about election day.
Chris and I made sure we registered to vote but when we received our mail in ballots they curiously said ballots had to be received by election day, not postmarked by election day. So Sunday night we sat down together and researched the 884,562 propositions and measures on the California ballot. We debated the pro and cons and agreed and disagreed and in the end, we voted like Republicans. Yes we voted for President Obama but we voted like republicans in the state and local elections.What we have learned since moving to California is that it is the most over regulated state in the union and it wants to label everything in the state with nothing less then a label that reads:
WARNING: This item you are about to consume has three more interior labels designed to make you terrified of life. Also each one of the labels on this item is adheared with a glue that has been known to cause cancer in .05% of the population and therefore you should live in fear! Mwah hahah!
Okay, so it's not that ridiculous but it feels that way sometimes.
We started our election day by dropping our ballots off at our polling location. I headed to the car and Chris asked if we could walk instead.
Chris: " It just feels right to walk to the polls."
(Did I mention how adorable he is?)
And so began our two man march to the polls.
We got our "I voted" stickers and went home to cook our Turducken feast. Where to start with the Turducken? I have never had Turducken before. I've never had duck before. Ducks are cute and adorable. But so are chickens and cows and I eat them all the time. The Turducken smelled delicious but I was so nervous about eating the duck. What if I liked it? What would that mean? Who would I become if I liked the duck?
We chose Turducken as our election day dinner because we were wondering, "What would liberal elitists eat for dinner?" The answer is obviously eat four kinds of meat in one :) Four antibiotic-free, natural, humanely raised meats in one. In fact I considered stepping it up a notch and sprinkling left over pot roast over the top. FIVE kinds of meat in one? Genius idea right? But we decided that is too garish. That is what republican fat cats would eat in celebration, so we stuck with our original plan.
I think that I psyched myself out so much about the duck that when I finally ate it, it tasted like nothing. Just like a giant greyish blob of meat product. My "It all tastes like chicken. It all tastes like Chicken" mantra worked. Chris however devoured it and LOVED it. He sang the praises of my coworkers who made the creation and he went back for seconds. He said you can clearly taste all the different flavors because duck is so gamey. When I told my coworker who made it for us, that I didn't care for it he cried " What? How can that be? The duck is so gamey!"
First lesson learned: Duck is gamey.
Second lesson learned: I have superior mind control powers.
I know I promised to blog again sooner, but 3 weeks is technically sooner then 6 weeks right?
So let me tell you about election day.
Chris and I made sure we registered to vote but when we received our mail in ballots they curiously said ballots had to be received by election day, not postmarked by election day. So Sunday night we sat down together and researched the 884,562 propositions and measures on the California ballot. We debated the pro and cons and agreed and disagreed and in the end, we voted like Republicans. Yes we voted for President Obama but we voted like republicans in the state and local elections.What we have learned since moving to California is that it is the most over regulated state in the union and it wants to label everything in the state with nothing less then a label that reads:
WARNING: This item you are about to consume has three more interior labels designed to make you terrified of life. Also each one of the labels on this item is adheared with a glue that has been known to cause cancer in .05% of the population and therefore you should live in fear! Mwah hahah!
Okay, so it's not that ridiculous but it feels that way sometimes.
We started our election day by dropping our ballots off at our polling location. I headed to the car and Chris asked if we could walk instead.
Chris: " It just feels right to walk to the polls."
(Did I mention how adorable he is?)
And so began our two man march to the polls.
We got our "I voted" stickers and went home to cook our Turducken feast. Where to start with the Turducken? I have never had Turducken before. I've never had duck before. Ducks are cute and adorable. But so are chickens and cows and I eat them all the time. The Turducken smelled delicious but I was so nervous about eating the duck. What if I liked it? What would that mean? Who would I become if I liked the duck?
We chose Turducken as our election day dinner because we were wondering, "What would liberal elitists eat for dinner?" The answer is obviously eat four kinds of meat in one :) Four antibiotic-free, natural, humanely raised meats in one. In fact I considered stepping it up a notch and sprinkling left over pot roast over the top. FIVE kinds of meat in one? Genius idea right? But we decided that is too garish. That is what republican fat cats would eat in celebration, so we stuck with our original plan.
I staked it with one of our many American flags.
(And only upon uploading this a few minutes ago did I notice that my antique trivet is clear and ironic in this photo.)
I think that I psyched myself out so much about the duck that when I finally ate it, it tasted like nothing. Just like a giant greyish blob of meat product. My "It all tastes like chicken. It all tastes like Chicken" mantra worked. Chris however devoured it and LOVED it. He sang the praises of my coworkers who made the creation and he went back for seconds. He said you can clearly taste all the different flavors because duck is so gamey. When I told my coworker who made it for us, that I didn't care for it he cried " What? How can that be? The duck is so gamey!"
First lesson learned: Duck is gamey.
Second lesson learned: I have superior mind control powers.
We paired our Turducken with the most American things we could think of: Bourbon & Apple Pie
We picked up that rare bottle of Maker's Mark while we were in Kentucky in September. Maker's White is only sold at the Maker's distillery which we had the opportunity to tour. White whiskey is un oaked whiskey. It's what they call white dog and it is essentially moonshine cut to the legal limit of 90 proof. We tasted it at the distillery and it burned like Tequila at first but was delicious. We had a fabulous time and I got to dip my own bottle! See...
We saved it for a special occasion and the re-election of our President seemed like a good one. We even created a special drink, The Bronco Bama.
The Bronco Bama
2 oz. White Whiskey
4 oz. Apple Cider
2 tsp. Mulling Spices
Shake with ice and serve strait up in a martini glass. Garnish with a cinnamon stick, a bald eagle and an air of superiority. Enjoy.
Okay, I promise I will blog more frequently. I just found out that my work schedule is going to improve and hopefull I will quit fallling asleep at 7 pm. Thanksgiving was very memorable and I can't wait to share it with you. But for today, I have my first Saturday off in 6 weeks and I'm going to go brunch with my husband. Since I leave for work at 4:30am and crawl in bed by 7pm, he misses me dearly too.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Out and Away
Did you miss me?
Because I missed you. Seriously.
So many things have happened in the last 6 weeks that I thought, "Gosh I need to blog soon/about this."
And well... that clearly never happened.
We spent September traveling around. Nashville TN, Bardstown KY, and San Francisco CA.
I liked Nashville, I loved the Kentucky countryside.
I may or may not have given $100's to terrorists or human traffickers in exchange for counterfit goods in chinatown. Let's just say that a secret wall was involved and I carry a Tory Burch bag now...
... and Chris looks fabulous in his Burberry scarf. (So fabulous that a social worker told him he clearly makes too much money. To which he replied " Uhh.. my wife got these glasses with a coupon, the coat was on clearance at The Rack, and the scarves a fake.")
I snuck in job interviews between trips and I got a job! Due to my companies social media policy and the fact that I don't want them to know about my blog, I'm not telling you where. But know that I am fulfilling my goal of being a baker. And Chris got his wish and I am working at a grocery store, full time and with benefits. Double coverage starts on January 1st :)
And since I knew there is no chance I will have time off over the holidays ( insert sad face here), I flew home last minute to visit with my family...
... and promptly got in a car accident.
... in my damn rental car.
So October has been spent dealing with the accident and starting a new job. It's a brand new grocery store so we had to open and stock the store from the bottom up. That is a lot of hard work. Especially when you've grown all soft from 2 months of unemployment. But I'm so thankful that I got this job. Not just because it means I'm working again. But because it is a really physical job. All day long I am lifting heavy boxes, giant bread racks and pallets. It's awesome.
I have arm muscles now.
Fledgling muscles really, but I've been making Chris poke them pretty regularly and he agrees that they are growing.
Hey! You know what else I have...
Because I missed you. Seriously.
So many things have happened in the last 6 weeks that I thought, "Gosh I need to blog soon/about this."
And well... that clearly never happened.
We spent September traveling around. Nashville TN, Bardstown KY, and San Francisco CA.
I liked Nashville, I loved the Kentucky countryside.
I may or may not have given $100's to terrorists or human traffickers in exchange for counterfit goods in chinatown. Let's just say that a secret wall was involved and I carry a Tory Burch bag now...
... and Chris looks fabulous in his Burberry scarf. (So fabulous that a social worker told him he clearly makes too much money. To which he replied " Uhh.. my wife got these glasses with a coupon, the coat was on clearance at The Rack, and the scarves a fake.")
I snuck in job interviews between trips and I got a job! Due to my companies social media policy and the fact that I don't want them to know about my blog, I'm not telling you where. But know that I am fulfilling my goal of being a baker. And Chris got his wish and I am working at a grocery store, full time and with benefits. Double coverage starts on January 1st :)
And since I knew there is no chance I will have time off over the holidays ( insert sad face here), I flew home last minute to visit with my family...
... and promptly got in a car accident.
... in my damn rental car.
So October has been spent dealing with the accident and starting a new job. It's a brand new grocery store so we had to open and stock the store from the bottom up. That is a lot of hard work. Especially when you've grown all soft from 2 months of unemployment. But I'm so thankful that I got this job. Not just because it means I'm working again. But because it is a really physical job. All day long I am lifting heavy boxes, giant bread racks and pallets. It's awesome.
I have arm muscles now.
Fledgling muscles really, but I've been making Chris poke them pretty regularly and he agrees that they are growing.
Hey! You know what else I have...
Today I started training to be the assistant to the bakery manager. Sounds silly I know, but I guess the company eliminated "assistant manager" positions a while ago. So basically I am training to be the manager when she isn't actually there and when she is promoted I will be first in line to become the bakery manager. There is no pay bump for this (boo) but there is potential and I plan on working my way up. The picture doesn't show it clearly but that box cutter is painted blue with purple glitter. That is how I catch the person who steals my box cutter! ha ha!
Alright. I'm wiped out. Training starts at 6 am which means I am up at 430am. So frankly, I'm wiped. I'm promise I will blog again sooner. Maybe even about our election day festivities. Which is going to involve a fresh handmade Turducken stuffed with andouille sausage.
That's right...
A turkey,
stuffed with duck,
stuffed with chicken,
stuffed with pork,
Handcrafted by my meat department friends and purchased with my employee 20% discount.
( My apologies to the McKenna's that are totally grossed out right now. But I couldn't resist it.)
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Saturday Nights and Sunday Mornings
Saturday night we decided to take our
northern honky selves and go honky-tonkin' down on Broadway. Broadway is why
Nashville has earned the nickname NashVegas. The two are very similar. We tried
on cowboy hats and boots and ate pralines (praw-leans) dipped in caramel. We
listened to bands in several bars and exclusivly drank Jack Daniels all night.
Here's a tidbit for you. Stop going to Las Vegas for springbreak/bachelor parties/etc. Go to Nashville. The main strips are not so different but Nashville has better music. Nashville has cheaper drinks. Nashville has hotter women. True story. Unless you are really into silicone injected, spray tanned ladies, got to Nashville. The city is swarming with bachelorette parties and sorority sisters in short shorts and knee high cowboy boots. And if you fail at meeting women in Nashville you can enjoy a half rack of ribs for $8 and watch every football on approximately 42,000 TV's.
I do love country music. Always have, always will. I was still so into the music that I was skipping up the hill back to the hotel. Little did I know that Chris was in "my wife is adorable when she is drunk" mode and was snapping photos. Here's what I remember. I remember having to pee so bad that when we skipped past the christian book store I screamed "If you were really Christian you would let me use your bathroom! This is my time of need!" Despite the fact that it was midnight. Also, I remember skipping past a very scary building and saying that it was intense. Yes, I described it as intense. Luckily, my personal paparazzi managed to capture not only the building but my face as I took in the intensity of said intense building.
My favorite Neon sign
How cool is this?!! There is a bartender at the other end and the peddling propels the shaft and keeps them moving. There is a back up motor also.
We got photo bombed. Did you know
photo bomb is in the Colliers Dictionary now?
Crossroads was one of the bars we went to. It had the best band of the
night. They played music from the Zac Brown band to Garth Brooks to the Black
Crowes. Unfortunately this is not Crossroads. This is the first bar I took
photos of while drinking Jack, rendering me unable to take pictures when we got
to the next bar.
Here's a tidbit for you. Stop going to Las Vegas for springbreak/bachelor parties/etc. Go to Nashville. The main strips are not so different but Nashville has better music. Nashville has cheaper drinks. Nashville has hotter women. True story. Unless you are really into silicone injected, spray tanned ladies, got to Nashville. The city is swarming with bachelorette parties and sorority sisters in short shorts and knee high cowboy boots. And if you fail at meeting women in Nashville you can enjoy a half rack of ribs for $8 and watch every football on approximately 42,000 TV's.
I do love country music. Always have, always will. I was still so into the music that I was skipping up the hill back to the hotel. Little did I know that Chris was in "my wife is adorable when she is drunk" mode and was snapping photos. Here's what I remember. I remember having to pee so bad that when we skipped past the christian book store I screamed "If you were really Christian you would let me use your bathroom! This is my time of need!" Despite the fact that it was midnight. Also, I remember skipping past a very scary building and saying that it was intense. Yes, I described it as intense. Luckily, my personal paparazzi managed to capture not only the building but my face as I took in the intensity of said intense building.
Intense building of Jack Daniels fueled nightmaric and
intense proportions, also known as the Customs House. ( It was the Federal
Building, now its for sale. Anyone want to go halvsies?)
Chris managed to catch me mid-skip and
mid-terror during my first intense sight of the very intense building.
Here it is during the day. Still intense.
Nashville is just Portland with better Bar-B-Que.
Sunday was the home opener of the Tennessee Titans which meant downtown was vacant, everyone was across the river. We had lunch at one of these little throw back restaurants decorated with edison bulbs while all the waiters wear suspenders and bowties. It was good but their attempt at old fashioned southern whatever was ruined by the fact not one person had an accent. It was disappointing. Nashville is just a melting pot of musicians from all over the country. Our waiter was from Southern California. Our hotel is in the Midtown area and is full of little hipster restaurants that employ men with those This-is-not-a-mullet haircuts (that is really is mullet) and ironic mustaches that just drive my inner snob insane.
This is a city where you can see a dreadlocked white guy in cowboy boots drinking a $4 Kombucha while repairing his bicycle.
Nashville is just Portland with better Bar-B-Que.
While we had downtown to ourselves we decided to visit the Country Music Hall of Fame. Naturally I took pictures of everything that had to do with Dolly Parton. But they had some other cool displays too....
Like Elvis Presleys gold Cadillac Limo...
...and costumes from Taylor Swifts tour. Roll your eyes and judge me all you want, this is cool. Chris and I went to this concert last September and it was the exact day that Chris accepted the job in Las Vegas. From the time he picked me from work until the concert he was back and forth on the phone negotiating. It was the day that changed the rest of our life. And Taylor played our favorite Dave Matthews Band song (You and I) on the Ukelele so yeah, we love us some T-Swizzle.
Unfortunately we missed our opportunity to attend the Tennessee State Fair, as I passed out as soon as we walked the 2+ miles uphill back to the hotel (in the 90 degree heat, in blister inducing shoes). Because of this we not only missed something called "Poultry Invitational: Champion of Champions", which I imagine as Chicken dressage, we also missed the Hedrick's Racing Pigs. I blame the Asshat cab driver and I leave you with this...
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that an ethiopian cab driver in posession of a yellow cab, will be in want for a fare longer than 2 miles uphill. However little he knows about the feelings or pains of such wanting passengers upon their first approach of his cab, this truth is so well fixed in the minds of all cab drivers, the he will deny the knowledge of mentioned roads and the english language until he can become the driver of someone in want of the airport." -Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Real American Whiskey
When we picked out our rental car in Nashville we had lots of options in American cars. In fact we only saw one Nissan in the whole lot. Not that we were looking specifically for a foreign car, we just noticed their absence. We drove our Dodge to Lynchburg Saturday and I have to say it was a very smooth and quiet ride. The country between the two cities is beautiful, although "city" is a loose term when it comes to Lynchburg. Acres and acres of green farmland, cattle, horses, goats etc. There are lots of small towns on the drive. Every building has an American flag or a steeple on it. Every home has an American flag. The porches really did have rocking chairs. I wanted Chris to pull over so I could run up a big green hill singing the hills are alive with the sound of muuuusssssicc but we were sure that someone would shoot me right off their lawn.
The tour was awesome. It was beyond my expectations and I learned a lot about Jack Daniel the man. He was by all means a self made man. He left home at 10 years old for pete's sake. It was awesome and I felt a surge of patriotism just hearing about how hard he and Lem Motlow worked over the years. I even asked Chris if it was crazy if I exclusivly drank Jack Daniel's from here on out because I want to support the business. He said yes.

The entrance of the Jack Daniel's Distillery

Note to self: Schedule hair appt as soon as I get back in Sac. Super hip "ombre" hair that is supposed to look better as it grows really just looks trashier and trashier every day.
Beautiful creek at Jack Daniel's
Jack Daniel was a tiny little man that stood 5'2". They say he wore the suit everyday to look older then his tiny stature and to distract from the Baby Jack nickname he bore as the youngest of 10. The cavern behind this statue is the natural spring that produces the water that all Jack Daniel's products are made of. It's full of limestone that strips all the lead out of the water. This is one of the few places in the world where this process occurs naturally.
Proof that turkeys are following me everywhere.
Playing checkers outside the general store
Moon Pies are everywhere here! Moon Pies are a Chatanooga TN original and they are crazy about them. Who knew there are so many flavors? Banana, Strawberry, Orange, and Mint are some of the flavors we found besides the traditional chocolate and vanilla. We bought a few of the mini ones so we could try the flavors. They were gross.
Travelling around Tennesee was an eye opeing experience. Our tour guide at JD had a great little anecdote that sums it up quite nicely. Someone asked a famous person, "The world is ending tomorrow, what are you going to do?" The famous person replies "I'm going to move to Tennessee. Everything happens 10 years later in Tennessee."
We are fairly certain that Tennessee is where all the stock footage used in Republican commercials is filmed. This is "Real America", right here with the green hills and the blue skies and livestock. Where giant Ford trucks are a necessity because people actually haul things. Where Walmart IS the place to shop because it is the only big box store for miles. Where people grow their own food and hunting, not Whole Foods, puts food on their table. If this was the life I was raised in I too would think the TV was full of crazy people. Big cities and sky scrapers and hybrid cars, mini malls, smart phones, microbrews and soccer would seem all kinds of nuts and socialist to me too. In fact, anything that brings large amounts of people together while doing the same kind of thing would seem like a socialist activity. When Democrats go on TV and say "We are doing this together" it makes sense to me that the community here says "No we're not! I built this myself." Because they are doing things themselves. Yes, they have serious community out here but I can see where the western and eastern sea board seem so foreign and non representative of their life and how we are not in it with them. Because we don't. Even this one day excursion into the countryside has opened my eyes about the differences from state to state and I've been thinking about it so much I cannot even ariticulate it correctly yet.
There will be more to come. More adventure. More thoughts. I have to quit wasting this sunny day with blogging and a Gossip Girl marathon....
Sunday, September 9, 2012
South by Southwest
After a grueling morning with only 3 hours of sleep, 2 flights and 1 document signing over our first born in blood to the rental car company, we made it to Nashville.
We look surprisingly chipper during our flight.Why you ask? Because we are fat. No one wanted to sit with us :( It's seat yourself on Southwest flights and all but one seat was sold. Should have been a pretty crowded flight, right? When the last few people were straggling in and it was down to several middle seats or the window seat in the row with Chris and myself, everyone looked at us and chose the middle seats elsewhere. Ha. I call Fat Perk! on this. Extra space and the option to snuggle with my honey is fine by me.
Turns out there are two hotels with the same name in Nashville. We went to the wrong one. Ours is not downtown as we had thought, but 1.5 miles away. We were a little bummed until we saw our room though. The registration agent sees how long we are staying and bumped us up to a rad corner suite. The adjoining wall is all windows as well.
Exhausted and famished from our travels we decided to call Friday a travel only day. It was 530p here which should have felt like 330p to us but we were ready for bed already. But first we needed food. We followed our first rule of travel only eat at places you couldn't eat at while home and headed to the White Castle down the street. Until I Wiki'd it and found out the history behind the White Castle, which basically invented fast food, my knowledge was limited to Harold and Kumar. We ordered a meal and a couple of teas, reminded ourselves that we have to specify unsweetened while here lest we want to have our first diabetic seizures, and mowed down on the tastiest, slimiest, pieces of "meat" I've ever consumed.
Our meal consisted of 10 sliders, 20 chicken rings, and a bag of fries. It was delicious or we were famished. All I know is that our hotel and this White Castle are in a sketchy area. I had to step over needles on the sidewalk sketch. People were sitting on the hoods of their cars in the parking lot and the counter girl was looking at us like we were bananas when we ordered. There is nothing that makes you have white guilt like handing a $100 bill to a 6'5" black man in a bow tie and paper hat except for handing a $100 bill to a 6'5" black man in a bow tie and paper hat in a place called WHITE CASTLE.
Back to the food. If you are in the vicinity of a White Castle and you have never been I recommend you go, once. Those are some steamy delicious little slime burgers that if I had been high would have been out of this world. I see the appeal of this as stoner food but there is a reason they call them sliders. You slide them right down and they...well...they continue sliding.
And then to recover for our next adventure, we slept for 15 hours.
Monday, September 3, 2012
The Dog Days Are Over
As I watered my beans Friday morning I noticed that my patio needed to be swept. I got out the broom, started sweeping up big yellow leaves and then realized
I'm sweeping up big yellow leaves, Fall is nearly here.
The signs have been slowly emerging..
A pumpkin spice latte sign at Starbucks
Cinnamon pine cones at the craft store
Back to school supplies
Squash displays at the market
...since these are commercial signs and they can be ad-set months in advance, I didn't buy into it.
But you can't argue with big yellow leaves.
Fall is my favorite time of year. Always. There is nothing I love more than boot weather, hot chocolate, nearly naked trees, couch snuggling and the fall premier of The Vampire Diaries.
Yes there is... Pumpkin flavored everything, It's a Wonderful Life, Halloween costumes, slouchy hats, big piles of leaves and the color Orange.
I know that here in California Fall will be different than it was back home in Kitsap. Which is okay because I don't like frozen sidewalks or monsoon rains. But I'm looking forward to whatever change may come.
When we knew we were moving to Las Vegas, which was approximately 1 year ago, I was so worried about what would happen to Fall. I estimated that living in Las Vegas would be like an endless summer. And that proved to be true. When I arrived in January it was 70 degrees. I had my sun dress on right away because to me it was summer temperatures. Our endless summer began. I haven't had a day below 70 degrees in 8 months.Chris hates it when I say the endless summer part because it implies some sort of vacation and our day to day life was far from a vacation. But we are settling in to Sacramento quite nicely. Chris is still on his training schedule so he is home most evenings and weekends. I am enjoying my first ever stretch of unemployment by being a better housekeeper and learning to do new things.
As it turns out, it's impossible for me to sit still. In addition to cooking recipes out of the Julia Child cook book I have canned several types of jam, a batch of pear chutney, and a huge crock pot of tomato sauce THAT I MADE FROM SCRATCH. And as most things I cook, will never be replicated ever again because I tend to throw pinches and hand fulls in the pot and never write anything down. But when you find beautiful San Marzano tomatoes at the market for .80/lb, buying 6 lbs of them, roasting them up, mashing them down and sprinkling them with with herbs from your own garden seems like the right thing to do.
And I made homemade butter. For real. Chris said I'm cheating because I used my Ninja instead of a freaking churn, but it's the 21st century my friend. And I'm not Amish. In the event that China attacks and enslaves us all for not being able to pay our debts there will still be gourmet eating at my hut. I know how to make butter in a mason jar and a blender and have 100+ jars of sauce to pour over our Soylent Green. ( I'm mixing futures here but you get the idea.)
I also made a batch of home made granola. Pennies on the dollar cheaper then the grocery store. And my apartments smelled fantastic.
My gardening is going well. My beans are growing like wildfire, or like Kentucky Pole Beans.
I have crocheted over 20 hats with the intention of opening a shop on Etsy in September. Last year I intended to keep my head fashionable and warm but had to throw an elbow or two to get people to stop snatching them off my head. That shouldn't be a problem this year as I plan on opening an Etsy shop where all of you can acquire my style through less violent means :)
Speaking of Kentucky, in a few days I will be there! Another perk of my temporary housewivery is that I can travel with my husband for his job. He has gone on trips to Utah and Arizona this year without me which is all good and fine. But Tennessee? No way he is going without me! Friday we fly into Nashville and since he doesn't start work stuff until Tuesday, we are spending the weekend in Kentucky. Elizabethtown KY to be exact. This is a big deal to me because the movie Elizabethtown is one of my favorite movies of all time. Chris and I have always loved it and we have really bonded over it. Whenever we are sad about something we watch it and remind ourselves "If it wasn't this, it would be something else." We constantly makes comments about our friends Chuck and Cindy, who are loving life 24/7. It has my second favorite funeral scene in a movie ( the first is Eulogy). Chris can recite entire passages from that movie and that is not something that Chris regularly does. I named my blog after something Claire Colburn says. And while I know that most of the movie was filmed in Louisville I still can't wait to actually see the town. And go on the tour of Makers Mark. 'cause we're loving life 24/7 :) Our hotel is on music row and I have a list of places I want to check out in Nashville like The Country Music Hall of Fame, The Parthenon, The Hermitage etc. I've been scoping out cemeteries too. I love historic cemeteries.
And because September can't possibly be busy enough, I have two job interviews the two days before we fly to Tennessee. So I will very likely get the rejection/acceptance phone calls while in Nashville. Neither job would start until October which is good because we just found out this week that Chris has to go to a 2 day conference in San Francisco a couple of days after we get back from TN. I've never been and unless something pressing comes up, I'm going to San Francisco too.
And at some point during all of this, I have to squeeze in some training for a volunteer position I will be starting at the end of the month.... Reading Tutor. The paperwork ball is already rolling and barring something like me actually having Tuberculosis, I will start tutoring 1 or 2 kids at a local elementary school in October. This is something I have always wanted to do, but I have always worked during school hours. I know that this will be challenging but I think the rewards will out weigh the hardships. Chris is afraid that I will have to end my commitment when I find a job and therefore I shouldn't even start. But I think I have to know that I at least tried.
All of this coupled with the fact that we opened a credit union account here means we are actually putting down some roots. In Vegas we always felt the need to remain portable. I guess we always knew Vegas was semi-permanent. I have even started to go through and update our addresses with our accounts. Which was something I was way to lazy to do before. One account even had our address from 3 years ago on it. Sometimes I wonder if that was my subconscious trying to not admit that the last two years happened. Like if there isn't a permanent record of it, we can try to deny it's existence. But all the hardships and OMG-IS-THIS-REALLY-MY-LIFE? 's we've endured have brought us to this spot. The spot where I wonder OMG-IS-THIS-REALLY-MY-LIFE? because of wonderful things.
Like this weekend...
I told Chris I needed to go to Penney's. He said he knows where a good outlet mall is instead. We hit the road and somewhere near Vacaville...
Chris: Are you going to ask where we are going?
Me: You said the outlet mall. Right now I'm assuming one in San Jose.
Chris: Nope.
Me: Are we just driving to San Francisco for the day?
Chris: Nope. Better. Napa.
Bra shopping at Penney's can wait. We're going to Napa Valley.
It was beautiful. I guess Chris drives through there every week to go to Santa Rosa and he wanted to show me our future house. I was expecting a great big villa in Sonoma naturally.
I'm sweeping up big yellow leaves, Fall is nearly here.
The signs have been slowly emerging..
A pumpkin spice latte sign at Starbucks
Cinnamon pine cones at the craft store
Back to school supplies
Squash displays at the market
...since these are commercial signs and they can be ad-set months in advance, I didn't buy into it.
But you can't argue with big yellow leaves.
Fall is my favorite time of year. Always. There is nothing I love more than boot weather, hot chocolate, nearly naked trees, couch snuggling and the fall premier of The Vampire Diaries.
Yes there is... Pumpkin flavored everything, It's a Wonderful Life, Halloween costumes, slouchy hats, big piles of leaves and the color Orange.
I know that here in California Fall will be different than it was back home in Kitsap. Which is okay because I don't like frozen sidewalks or monsoon rains. But I'm looking forward to whatever change may come.
When we knew we were moving to Las Vegas, which was approximately 1 year ago, I was so worried about what would happen to Fall. I estimated that living in Las Vegas would be like an endless summer. And that proved to be true. When I arrived in January it was 70 degrees. I had my sun dress on right away because to me it was summer temperatures. Our endless summer began. I haven't had a day below 70 degrees in 8 months.Chris hates it when I say the endless summer part because it implies some sort of vacation and our day to day life was far from a vacation. But we are settling in to Sacramento quite nicely. Chris is still on his training schedule so he is home most evenings and weekends. I am enjoying my first ever stretch of unemployment by being a better housekeeper and learning to do new things.
As it turns out, it's impossible for me to sit still. In addition to cooking recipes out of the Julia Child cook book I have canned several types of jam, a batch of pear chutney, and a huge crock pot of tomato sauce THAT I MADE FROM SCRATCH. And as most things I cook, will never be replicated ever again because I tend to throw pinches and hand fulls in the pot and never write anything down. But when you find beautiful San Marzano tomatoes at the market for .80/lb, buying 6 lbs of them, roasting them up, mashing them down and sprinkling them with with herbs from your own garden seems like the right thing to do.
And I made homemade butter. For real. Chris said I'm cheating because I used my Ninja instead of a freaking churn, but it's the 21st century my friend. And I'm not Amish. In the event that China attacks and enslaves us all for not being able to pay our debts there will still be gourmet eating at my hut. I know how to make butter in a mason jar and a blender and have 100+ jars of sauce to pour over our Soylent Green. ( I'm mixing futures here but you get the idea.)
I also made a batch of home made granola. Pennies on the dollar cheaper then the grocery store. And my apartments smelled fantastic.
My gardening is going well. My beans are growing like wildfire, or like Kentucky Pole Beans.
I have crocheted over 20 hats with the intention of opening a shop on Etsy in September. Last year I intended to keep my head fashionable and warm but had to throw an elbow or two to get people to stop snatching them off my head. That shouldn't be a problem this year as I plan on opening an Etsy shop where all of you can acquire my style through less violent means :)
Speaking of Kentucky, in a few days I will be there! Another perk of my temporary housewivery is that I can travel with my husband for his job. He has gone on trips to Utah and Arizona this year without me which is all good and fine. But Tennessee? No way he is going without me! Friday we fly into Nashville and since he doesn't start work stuff until Tuesday, we are spending the weekend in Kentucky. Elizabethtown KY to be exact. This is a big deal to me because the movie Elizabethtown is one of my favorite movies of all time. Chris and I have always loved it and we have really bonded over it. Whenever we are sad about something we watch it and remind ourselves "If it wasn't this, it would be something else." We constantly makes comments about our friends Chuck and Cindy, who are loving life 24/7. It has my second favorite funeral scene in a movie ( the first is Eulogy). Chris can recite entire passages from that movie and that is not something that Chris regularly does. I named my blog after something Claire Colburn says. And while I know that most of the movie was filmed in Louisville I still can't wait to actually see the town. And go on the tour of Makers Mark. 'cause we're loving life 24/7 :) Our hotel is on music row and I have a list of places I want to check out in Nashville like The Country Music Hall of Fame, The Parthenon, The Hermitage etc. I've been scoping out cemeteries too. I love historic cemeteries.
And because September can't possibly be busy enough, I have two job interviews the two days before we fly to Tennessee. So I will very likely get the rejection/acceptance phone calls while in Nashville. Neither job would start until October which is good because we just found out this week that Chris has to go to a 2 day conference in San Francisco a couple of days after we get back from TN. I've never been and unless something pressing comes up, I'm going to San Francisco too.
And at some point during all of this, I have to squeeze in some training for a volunteer position I will be starting at the end of the month.... Reading Tutor. The paperwork ball is already rolling and barring something like me actually having Tuberculosis, I will start tutoring 1 or 2 kids at a local elementary school in October. This is something I have always wanted to do, but I have always worked during school hours. I know that this will be challenging but I think the rewards will out weigh the hardships. Chris is afraid that I will have to end my commitment when I find a job and therefore I shouldn't even start. But I think I have to know that I at least tried.
All of this coupled with the fact that we opened a credit union account here means we are actually putting down some roots. In Vegas we always felt the need to remain portable. I guess we always knew Vegas was semi-permanent. I have even started to go through and update our addresses with our accounts. Which was something I was way to lazy to do before. One account even had our address from 3 years ago on it. Sometimes I wonder if that was my subconscious trying to not admit that the last two years happened. Like if there isn't a permanent record of it, we can try to deny it's existence. But all the hardships and OMG-IS-THIS-REALLY-MY-LIFE? 's we've endured have brought us to this spot. The spot where I wonder OMG-IS-THIS-REALLY-MY-LIFE? because of wonderful things.
Like this weekend...
I told Chris I needed to go to Penney's. He said he knows where a good outlet mall is instead. We hit the road and somewhere near Vacaville...
Chris: Are you going to ask where we are going?
Me: You said the outlet mall. Right now I'm assuming one in San Jose.
Chris: Nope.
Me: Are we just driving to San Francisco for the day?
Chris: Nope. Better. Napa.
Bra shopping at Penney's can wait. We're going to Napa Valley.
It was beautiful. I guess Chris drives through there every week to go to Santa Rosa and he wanted to show me our future house. I was expecting a great big villa in Sonoma naturally.
Welcome to the Ledson Winery. Which was originaly built as Steve Ledson's home. But he got so tired of people driving up and asking when the winery was going to open, he ran with it. He built a smaller McMansion out back to live in, quit selling his grapes to others and the Ledson Winery was born.
I just can't understand why people were driving up his driveway and asking him so many questions. You can tell by the understated driveway and entry that a Quasimodo style hermit lives here. Nothing says " Leave me alone, I'm recluse" like columns. And turrets. And medevil architecture. Seriously.
(And in between those columns is my 6'3" husband for scale.)
We had a fabulous tasting and then drove back to downtown Napa. We had dinner at a little cafe called Downtown Joe's next to the Napa River. We talked about what we need to pack for our trip down south next week and it hit me.
Eating dinner at this adorable cafe next to an adorable river in Napa discussing what distilleries we want to visit while we are in Kentucky next week. And how big of a cooler should I bring when I go to Fisherman's Wharf when we get back? And I hope I get the last spot in that cheese-making class I signed up for? And don't forget we have to cook up that King Salmon I bought at Whole Foods?
Yes, somehow this really became my life.
And trust me, I do not take one single minute of it for granted.
I know what it is like to lose your job, sell everything you own, move into a bedroom at your mom's and be diagnosed with a debilitating disease. Some of you may not be enchanted with the idea and think a vineyard is a vineyard but I so clearly remember what it was like to not see straight for a week and I still want to look at everything possible. Especially when I know in the back of my mind that this is only the beginning and at any point Chris could be pushing my wheelchair up those steps.
Next blog will be coming from Nashville. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
There She Grows
What happens when you mix Peggy Bundy, Martha Stewart, and Ann Romney?
You get me!
This is not a huge stretch. I have the fashion sensibilities of Peggy Bundy. I have almost exclusively worn stretch pants since I have arrived in California. Like Martha, people be constantly fawning all over things that I make. And like Ann Romney, I have a husband who is ready and willing to indulge my every whim.
You thought I was going to say Ann and I both have MS huh? That would be correct also. But when Mrs. Romney was diagnosed her husband went and bought her some of the prettiest ponies in all the land. Now as part of her therapy, she gets to flat iron their hair, weave ribbons in their tails and prance them in pretty circles.
Mine bought me a big bag of dirt.
I'm taking up gardening. Urban gardening to be precise. Apartment gardening.We have a tiny apartment with a large patio that gets sun all day long. It's perfect. It's the first stepping stone towards having a our dream farm and the next step in my housewife project.
A few weeks ago Chris and I bought a Basil plant and a Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano combo plant at TJ's. I've been wanting to learn gardening for a while and these were my starter plants. I've managed to keep them alive and blooming for the last three weeks so we decided I was ready to take the next step. I have also read several blogs and websites about apartment gardens. The best piece of advice was so obvious: grow what you can feasibly eat. Yeah corn is delicious. But at 2 heads a stalk how much space are you willing to take up? Herbs are best. They are the most useful and are hearty. I looked at getting a community garden spot but the waiting lists around here are 2-3 years long. So we went to Capital Nursery and picked out our goodies.
Chris is my gardening teacher. While I have never seen him do anything harder then water a Hosta in the last 10 years, he swears he is an advanced gardener. His credentials are his Future Farmers of America jacket from high school that we have been dragging around with us the last 10 years. It's covered with pins and ribbons so he must have excelled at being a future farmer. I have a text book too.
Ha! I remember the second thing! I bought the wrong kind of beans. I
thought I picked up a container of Blue Lake Beans, what I actually have
is six little starts for Kentucky Pole Beans. I did my research and if I
can grow them correctly they will need a trellis they will get so big.
We will see. In a month I can plant what I really want: Garlic and
Chris and I have seen two gangs of wild Turkeys since we have been here. I always thought a group of Turkeys was called a congress but a Google search says it's a gang. Which is hilarious since there is only one male and several females in a Turkey gang so it's really more of a Turkey Harem but who decides this stuff anyway? The first gang we saw was in an rural area but the Tom stood in front of our car while all the hens crossed the road. We could not stop laughing. When we mentioned this to other people, they were not surprised. Apparently it is very common to stumble upon Urban Turkey Gangs in Sacramento. We were baffled but in love with the idea that we live in a city where Turkey gangs run the streets. Then we saw a gang of Turkey's in the parking lot of Chris's office. I shit you not.
You get me!
This is not a huge stretch. I have the fashion sensibilities of Peggy Bundy. I have almost exclusively worn stretch pants since I have arrived in California. Like Martha, people be constantly fawning all over things that I make. And like Ann Romney, I have a husband who is ready and willing to indulge my every whim.
You thought I was going to say Ann and I both have MS huh? That would be correct also. But when Mrs. Romney was diagnosed her husband went and bought her some of the prettiest ponies in all the land. Now as part of her therapy, she gets to flat iron their hair, weave ribbons in their tails and prance them in pretty circles.
Mine bought me a big bag of dirt.
I'm taking up gardening. Urban gardening to be precise. Apartment gardening.We have a tiny apartment with a large patio that gets sun all day long. It's perfect. It's the first stepping stone towards having a our dream farm and the next step in my housewife project.
A few weeks ago Chris and I bought a Basil plant and a Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano combo plant at TJ's. I've been wanting to learn gardening for a while and these were my starter plants. I've managed to keep them alive and blooming for the last three weeks so we decided I was ready to take the next step. I have also read several blogs and websites about apartment gardens. The best piece of advice was so obvious: grow what you can feasibly eat. Yeah corn is delicious. But at 2 heads a stalk how much space are you willing to take up? Herbs are best. They are the most useful and are hearty. I looked at getting a community garden spot but the waiting lists around here are 2-3 years long. So we went to Capital Nursery and picked out our goodies.
Chris is my gardening teacher. While I have never seen him do anything harder then water a Hosta in the last 10 years, he swears he is an advanced gardener. His credentials are his Future Farmers of America jacket from high school that we have been dragging around with us the last 10 years. It's covered with pins and ribbons so he must have excelled at being a future farmer. I have a text book too.
Here are my supplies. We found pots on clearance at Target and decided that was perfect. We had a blast at the nursery. I'm committed to learning all this botanical stuff so I can grow cooler stuff later. Like a lemon tree. And tropical flowers. Did you know you can grow Hibiscus and Plumeria here in Cali? Blew my little PNW mind when I learned that.
So yesterday I put on my gardening hat and my fancy new garden gloves and got to work. I know that plants like music and that transplanting them can be a little traumatic to their roots and stuff so I decided to play cheerful music to them.
The Stoop by Little Jackie has always been one of my favorite summertime songs. We listened to Jay-Z after that. My plants should get accustomed to the neighborhood.
I realized while planting that I must have done this at some point in my life and just don't remember it. Girl Scouts perhaps? I instinctively knew I was supposed to soften the little starts root clumps and pack them firmly but loosely in the soil. Or maybe I was just born to be a plant mama? Should I post their pictures on FB every 30 days so you can track their developments? I think I am going to photograph them for my own benefit. Someday when my beans are fully grown and at my dinner table, we can look at their pictures and wax poetic about their sprout days. And then we will eat those little fuckers up.
A couple of things are bothering me though. First is that I didn't get to plant my starts as far apart as recommended. Chris assures me that this is fine. That it is for optimal growth but it doesn't mean that they won't grow. I read in my Western Garden Edibles book that if they grow to close together I can thin them out by replanting them in another container. I have already forgot what the second thing was.....
When Chris came home he inspected my homework and said I don't have enough soil and I need to replant them again. He also said I need to soak the plants when I planted them so the soil integrates better. I had lightly watered them because I was afraid of traumatizing them further. He also approved of the plant stand I purchased for them. Extra credit for me!
Today I got another bag of soil and got to work with my beans and onions. I'm afraid for the little onions. In there little start packages they were all happy and upright. Now they are kind of... splayed? (Is that a word?)
We listened to a little Brandi Carlisle in case my beans aren't hip hop fans and I filled the containers up, replanted the beans and onions and re-watered them all.
Here is my end result:
L to R: We have Marjoram, Rosemary/Thyme/Oregano, Italian Basil, Peppermint, Garlic Chives, and Sweet Basil.
Back to Front: Kentucky Pole Beans, Green Onions, and Yellow Onions.
If I can keep these plants alive I will plant Garlic and Carrots in September. I've been reading my book and the internet and studying when you can plant what for a winter garden. I would really like to plant berries in the spring but I'm trying not to get too far ahead of myself. I still need to learn about pest control as I don't have a chicken to take care of that for me. But I will someday :)
And yes, I made my garden markers. I snagged a handful of paint stir sticks at Home Depot, painted them with craft paint, stamped them with a little leaf stamp, and wrote on them in Sharpie. Easy Peasy.
So, How many of you are gardeners? Got any advice for me? I'll take it. Have you container gardened before? And I'm still taking suggestions on " Woman's Work" and other things I can learn while I am a temporary housewife. I hit up the grocery store this morning for the ingredients for my next blog and am currently saving up Michaels coupons for soap making ingredients. Did I mention my grandfather called me a homesteader? Yeah. At least I know that when the Zombie Apocalypse comes, I will survive on my food making skills. Which reminds me....
Urban Turkey Gang Bitches (Hens) with their Turklets (Poults).
Their baby daddy, Big Tom.
Because I am curious about hunting these Turkeys we asked around about gun laws etc. Chris says I cannot discharge a fire arm in city limits. This halts my ambition of driving up and shooting the Turkey out of my car window. His cousin informed me that I cannot use a bow and arrow or slingshot either. This sucks because last time I was home my Grandpa and I made a totally sweet slingshot together and yes, I really have homemade slingshot in my kitchen. Which only leaves me one option: I will have to learn how to make snares and traps. Chris and I had a great laugh imagining me setting traps in his office parking lot ( They were back again on Monday), while sitting on my SUV and blowing my Turkey Sex Whistle. I mean, If I can be an urban gardener why can't I become an urban hunter? In case of the Zombie Apocalypse I don't want to be one of those lazy asses on The Walking Dead that is always digging around for canned food. I'm going to be Daryl, with a garden. A stretch pant wearing, poncho crocheting, urban hunter-gatherer who has a bad attitude and a requires a lot of naps.
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